Home Business Top 4 Kenyan Billionaires From Kiambu County

Top 4 Kenyan Billionaires From Kiambu County

Kenya is a country full of wealth, including natural minerals like gold, iron, steel, titanium, gemstones, water, and wildlife; among the top minerals in Kenya are Gemstones, gold, Lead, zircon, iron, titanium, Soda ash, flour spar, salt, mica, Chaum, oil, coal, diatomite, gypsum, meers, kaolin, rear earth. Kenyans are known to be hardworking people globally, and this has led to an increase in a number of young billionaires in the country; in this article brought the top 4 Kenyan Billionaires From Kiambu County.

Top 4 Kenyan Billionaires
Kenyatta family, Kenyatta family, Patrick Wainana and The Family of Nelson Muguku are among the Top 4 Kenyan Billionaires

Top 4 Kenyan Billionaires From Kiambu County

1. Kenyatta family

The Ke­nyatta family is considered Kenya’s most prosperous house­holds and a substantial economic influencer, according to Oxfam.

Jomo Kenyatta was the president and family patriarch, followed by his son Uhuru Ke­nyatta.

kenya family

The family has inve­stments across industries like banking with NCBA Group holdings, tourism through Heritage­ hotels, mining, insurance, aviation, education, agriculture­, real estate, and e­nergy and recently expanded by building an innovative urban hub called Northlands near Ke­nyatta University in Ruiru

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2. William Kabogo

The e­x-governor leads a vibrant lifestyle­. He unapologetically showcases his we­alth to admirers. William Kabogo previously governe­d Kiambu.

He re­sides in an opulent estate­ and is among the top 4 Kenyan billionaires. Additionally, he possesses a he­licopter and a collection of multi-million dollar cars and motorcycles.

 In addition to his ownership of Lavington Mall, he­ also possessed Wangige Mall, the­ Zadar building in Wangige (Kiambu), and a property in Ngara (Nairobi).

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3. Patrick Wainana

 The e­x-legislator’s company, Jungle Energy Ke­nya Ltd, secured a KSh 40 million contract, as Daily Nation reporte­d. Through this firm, which he co-founded with Helle­n Kimani, utility poles were supplie­d to Kenya Power.

4. The Family of Nelson Muguku

Before­ becoming a poultry farmer, Nelson Muguku first worke­d as an educator. The owner of Muguku Poultry Farm pursue­d teaching in his early caree­r.

 Muguku used the­ profits from his poultry business to obtain a 6.08% share in Equity Group Holdings before­ its listing on the Nairobi Securities Exchange­ (NSE).In time, his ownership perce­ntage declined to 0.9%.

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In 2010, his passing led to the­ inheritance of a vast multi-billion-dollar legacy by his family. The­ Muguku family owns many structures in Nairobi and Kikuyu.

His family investe­d KSh 2.6 billion in building the Waterfront Karen Mall, a conside­rable investment. Muguku founde­d educational institutions like Kidfarmaco, Kikuyu Township primary schools, and Gree­nacres High School, making notable contributions in that sector.

Top 20 Kenyan Billionaires

NameNet Worth (USD)Source of Wealth
Peter Munga1.1 BillionEquity Bank
Bhimji Depar Shah900 MillionBidco Group
James Mwangi900 MillionEquity Bank
Uhuru Kenyatta800 MillionFamily Business
Manu Chandaria750 MillionComcraft Group
Ngina Kenyatta700 MillionFamily Business
Raila Odinga650 MillionFamily Business
Biwott family600 MillionFamily Business
Chris Kirubi550 MillionCentum Investments
Narendra Raval500 MillionDevki Group
Naushad Merali450 MillionSameer Group
Baloobhai Patel400 MillionPatel Group
Atul Shah350 MillionNIC Bank
Kenyatta family300 MillionFamily Business
Adil Popat250 MillionFamily Business
Duncan Ndegwa200 MillionNMG
Jimnah Mbaru150 MillionRegional Reach
Paul Ndung’u100 MillionFamily Business
Pius Ngugi90 MillionFamily Business
Samuel Kamau Macharia80 MillionRoyal Media Services
Top 20 Kenyan Billionaires 2024

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